Neptune- The Windy Planet


Type of Planet: Gas Giant

What Should I Pack? This planets atmosphere is filled with hydrogen and helium as well as methane. It is also made-up of hydrogen and helium. The temperature on average is about -346 degrees F. It isn't the coldest planet but you should still be prepared!

What if I Move There: Neptune's orbit is 165 earth days, while its rotation time is 16 hours. If you decide to move here you will get to experience a shorter day and year all in one. 

What to see! While you're here you should look for Neptune's moons. It has a total of 13. Unlike the other planets however, it has one very large moon and 12 small ones. So be on a lookout!

While you're there: Neptune has a total of 6 rings. They are similar to the ones found going around Uranus. This planet also has 13 moons. You will get to see both if you decide to come here.

Other things to know about your destination: Neptune is closer to the sun than Pluto for 220 years, then they reverse positions for 20 years. If you visit at the right time, you might get to experience this happen. Neptune also has the strongest winds than any other planet.

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